Barbara 20th February 2021

Helen and I became friends at school, I think we found the same things funny and were similarly determined about what we wanted to do (and didn't). Funny times in Chemistry and Tech Drawing especially and I don't think we would have persuaded the school to change the rules and allow girls to take Technical Drawing if we hadn't approached it together! Her artistic talent was put into use in almost every part of life, not just her drawing and painting, she could create works of art out of almost anything and I am glad to have many treasures as a result. George has this talent too. We shared so many lovely times; walks, days out, numerous group holidays (which Nell mostly organised for us all) and just in the garden eating her cake and watching the cats/ geese / pigs/ chickens that shared New Inn Mill at various times. She was always working hard and generous in helping others. I've realised that in our group of friends, my photography skills are not the best and most of the pictures I have are of us all somewhere on a coastal path or a beach in the rain with our hoods up, I will carry on looking..